A guided bicycle tour on South Taasinge

A guided bicycle tour on South Taasinge
Do you want to discover something else than Valdemars Castle and Troense on the isle of Taasinge? South Taasinge has a lot to offer. Take on a guided bicycle tour with a local guide who leads you to small charming harbours and stunning nature. We end the tour at the small farm Hellevgaard who offers lunch. Minimum 4 persons or 1.100 DKK including VAT.

Tåsinge, Sydfyn
Rejsetips - "Få egne i Danmark er så skønne og smilende som netop disse ved det Sydfynske Øhav" Citat: Historiker Jørgen Barfod i sin bog om Admiral Niels Juel som købte Valdemars Slot i 1678.
Meet the locals: Karen Elberg